Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Project Charter Assignment 1

Project Charter Assignment 1

Assignment 1 Title: Printout Postcard for the theme “Malaysia, Truly Asia”.

Project Start Date: 22 November 2008

Project Finish Date: 28 November 2008.

Project Manager : Mohamed Bin Abd. Aziz

HP: 017-3242311

Email: mcg1014.1061102442@gmail.com

Website: http://mcg1014-1061102442.blogspot.com/

Project Objective:
Students are to create a multi-cultural event for a post card. The theme would be “Malaysia, Truly Asia” which is the official slogan for Malaysia Tourism. Students are to show the multi-cultural aspects of Malaysia culture or life as a positive feature to attract tourist into this country.


Write down how you create the postcard?
I use some basic skills and tools in Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Using what images?
I use some images that i took from the internet.

What tools at Photoshop you use to edit the images?
Crop,filter,rectangular marquee,paint bucket,burn tool,levels,curves,and some more basic tool that i learned in the tutorial videos.

Write here about the idea of your postcard, is it your own Idea or References (if you refer to someone else idea)?
I get the brilliant idea from one of my best friend. I will take the scenery pictures from all over Malaysia then combine it together in the postcard to make it a 14-in-One postcard.A postcard that contains all 14 different view from across the country.Plus with some edit and mixtures with some persuasive words to express the beauty in Malaysia.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Describe your time plan here. For example, you should at least show me 80% of your incomplete work on Tuesday 25/11/08 for me to comment. Fulfill Dr. Ken’s requirement. His requirements are as follows:

1. “Students are to submit the original PSD files (DO NOT FLATTEN THE FILE) together with the images used in the postcard. Call the file StudID_asssignment1.psd”.

2. “Place the files in separate folders. One folder containing the PSD file called Postcard. The other images used are to be placed in a folder call Postcard_ref”.

3. Print the postcard. Postcard size is 6x8 inches with 300 resolutions.

Comment: You can let me know the difficulty that you face. How enjoy you are in doing this assignment etc.

I really concern about the color management and the quality of picture after print it out.However, i learned a lot of new skills and experience using Adobe Photoshop CS2 .

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