Showing posts with label Tutorial 3 CG2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial 3 CG2. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2008

In-Class Exercise 3 - The Return of The Dark City

Yeah! I'm Done again.This tutorial 3 is quite hard for me. It really needs my patient and courage to finish this exercise. So,this is it. The pictures that will be use in this exercise 3:

6 Magic Steps:

Step 1:
I drag and combine all the pictures above and use Masking effect.Then i use marquee tool to cut the 'saving' words and paste it in the new layer.

Step 2:
Then,i use Levels to change the color level of the 'saving' layer.

Step 3:
This step,i use marquee tool to select each letter and insert the color using the Color & Balance effect to change the color of the words 'saving'.

Step 4:
Then,i drag the words 'saving' to the basic layer and put the Drop Shadow to the layer.

Step 5:
I duplicated the basic layer and use the Magic Wand Tool + Paint Bucket to fill the 'money' & 'vacation' a color.

Step 6:
I also make another duplication of the basic layer and change the mode to grayscale (Black & White). After that, i use Levels to edit a little bit of the layer's mode.Then,i dropped a shadow effect behind the grayscale layer.

Finish suda! Hope this will satisfy madam Lydia and Madam gives me good mark.hehehe.tq all for reading.wait till the next exercise 4.
